Crowdsourced Calendar Management

Crowdsourced Calendar Management

Busy executives hate managing their own calendars. Emailing back and forth to find mutually agreeable times, creating calendar invites, and scheduling time conference systems is time consuming and mind numbing.

Executive assistants tend to take care of this kind of a thing so that executives don't have to. It makes a lot of sense.

As a seed funded startup that's just beginning to generate revenue, Pristine can't justify spending cash on an office manager or executive assistant (although cheaper alternatives such as Zirtual are compelling). At the same time, I am super busy and attending meetings all day:


I used to manage my calendar myself. I hated it. But I found a way to outsource 90%+ of my calendar management to.... the crowd....for free!

Google Calendar has a function that creates a unique URL that allows anyone to share their calendar publicly without sharing any details. This allows others to see one's schedule for scheduling purposes without compromising the potentially sensitive information contained in one's calendar. I placed that URL in my email signature, and whenever I need to schedule a meeting, I simply point folks to the link in my signature. I win because I don't have to think about calendar invites anymore, and the other party wins since they spend less time emailing back and forth.

I have outsourced my calendar to the public. I love it. Here's a screenshot that can get you started to set this up for yourself.

How To.png